The manager of a Kentucky restaurant recalled how he was treated by customers after he flew a Ukrainian flag in solidarity with the country.

Ben Ashlock told The Washington Post that he and his wife adopted their son from Ukraine three years ago. Ashlock wanted to show his support by flying a Ukrainian flag at the restaurant.

He told The Post that they support you even in little old Kentucky.

Ashlock did not think there would be any problems with the gesture. After flying the flag atop the building, Ashlock said he began to receive messages of hate from customers on the restaurant's phone, Facebook page, and Google reviews.

One customer said that his family would not eat at the restaurant again until the Ukrainian flag was replaced with the national flag.

Ashlock shared some of the reviews that had been removed with the Post. One said to take the trash flag down. May the land of Ukraine be leveled to the ground.

Ashlock said he received a 1-star review of the restaurant because of the flag.

Ashlock wrote on the restaurant's Facebook page that they had heard their last negative comment or that their last employee had to cry over someone saying something mean to them. That would be lying.

I wish we treated each other better, he said.

The Steak House and Grill did not respond to Insider's request for comment outside of normal working hours.

A flood of supportive messages have been posted on the Facebook page.

I can't believe anyone would send hate messages for flying the Ukrainian flag and showing support for our brothers and sisters.

Many restaurant owners in the US have shown their support for Ukraine in the war with Russia. Moscow Mules were renamed to Kyiv Mules on some menus.