Things are getting more and more like Star Trek.

The hologram medical team were the first to have their likenesses projected into outer space using technology from Microsoft and were aboard the International Space Station late last year.

The doctors on the team who were projected into the ISS said in the statement that this is a completely new way of communication.

Next Generation

The concept of hologram doctors was featured in Star Trek: Voyager, and it's likely that fans of the show are familiar with it.

This is the first time in real life that people have interacted with holograms, though Microsoft has been dabbling in hologram technology since 2016

Dr. Schmid and his team were able to chat with Thomas Pesquet while he was on the International Space Station, thanks to the use of Microsoft's Hololens and AEXA software.

AEXA is interested in developing augmented reality and virtual reality software, which could mean that holograms like those in Star Trek could be developed.

Innovative 3D Telemedicine to help keep astronauts healthy.

Scientists create holograms that can be touched.

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