The crew on board the Crew Dragon will have to wait a couple of more days to return to Earth because they are currently docked at the International Space Station.

NASA posted a schedule for the first all-private space flight crew. According to the previous release, the four were going to spend around 10 days at the International Space Station. The crew of the International Space Station will undock from the space station Tuesday morning and splash down in Florida on Wednesday morning.

Moon So High

The crew doesn't seem to mind the fact that they will be spending 12 days in space. They would like to visit the Moon as well.

It's hard not to be jealous of a group who can pay their way to the most expensive and attractive theme park in history. If only space were more accessible to the rest of us, what could have been? Picking out a toy rocket at the space center gift shop would have been fun to collect.

It's nice to daydream, but for now, space is out of reach for everyone on Earth.

We don't want to visit more dimensions. The Deranged Genius created an artificial intelligence version of Dillinger.

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