Tucker Carlson, the host of Fox News, said that seizing personal property from Russians went too far.

He said that no American government had done anything like that before.

While the segment was aimed at Fox News' conservative audience, it found another audience in Russia. RIA Novosti, a Russian state news agency, parroted the argument and wrote that the average U.S. citizen is horrified by what is happening.

In the U.S., Biden has been accused of destroying the country with anti-Russian sanctions В США обвинили Байдена в уничтожении страны антироссийскими санкциями “No American government had ever done anything like that before. If there was one thing the U.S. government long stood for, it was the rule of law.” “Ни одно американское правительство никогда не делало ничего подобного. Если и было что-то, что правительство Соединенных Штатов всегда решительно отстаивало, так это принцип верховенства закона”, написал он. An article on the Russian-language news site Ria Novosti featured content from a Fox News segment.

The narratives advanced by the Kremlin and by parts of conservative American media have come together in recent months. Along the way, Russian media has seized on Fox News's prime-time segments, its opinion pieces and even the network's active online comments section, all of which often find fault with the Biden administration. Other Fox News personalities and occasional news updates from the network were also included.

Russia's foreign minister has made a number of false claims about the war, including that Russia never attacked Ukraine.

There is no such thing as an independent Western media, Mr. Lavrov told the state television station.

During the first quarter of this year, mentions of Fox News in Russian-language media grew 217 percent compared with the final quarter of last year, as news coverage of Ukraine increased, according to an analysis by a media tracking company. CNN, which has three times the global audience of Fox News, was mentioned more often but grew less.

During the invasion of Ukraine, weekly mentions of Fox News on Russian-language media increased.

Social media, cable television, and print and online outlets are included.

The source is the Zignal Labs.

The New York Times.

A Fox News spokeswoman pointed to segments in which Mr. Carlson was critical of Russia.

The New York Times reviewed nearly 500 Russian-language articles mentioning Fox News between July and March and found that they were from the two largest state news agencies in the country.

Russian media has used Fox News to bolster their narrative about the war.

U.S. Colonel: “The first thing we must do is accept Putin's point of view” Полковник США: “Первое, что мы должны сделать, - это принять точку зрения Путина” “We should acknowledge that. Stop pretending that’s a non-issue.” “Нам нужно это признать. Прекратить притворяться, словно это не проблема”, - завил он в эфире Fox News. An article on the Russian-language news site Tsargrad featured content from a Fox News segment.

The narratives were clear from the beginning. If NATO threatened him, Mr. Putin would use military technical measures.

Russian news media immediately cited Douglas Macgregor when he repeated Russia's argument on Mr. Carlson's show.

He pointed out that Russia doesn't want to see NATO troops near its borders, like the U.S. wouldn't want to see Russian troops in Cuba.

John Hanick was a former Fox News producer. Mr. Hanick was charged with violating the U.S. sanctions. Federal prosecutors accused him of helping a Russian businessman.

This journalist almost swore after learning the truth about U.S. laboratories in Ukraine Журналист чуть не выругался, узнав правду о лабораториях США на Украине “I’ll try not to use profanity on the air to describe our reaction. Our jaws dropped, let’s leave it there. Under oath in an open committee hearing, Victoria Nuland just confirmed that the Russian disinformation they’ve been telling us for days is a lie, and a conspiracy theory, and crazy and immoral to believe, is in fact, totally and completely true.” “Попробую использовать в эфире ненормативную лексику, чтобы описать нашу реакцию: челюсти попадали, скажем так. Под присягой на открытых слушаниях комитета Виктория Нуланд подтвердила, что российская дезинформация, которую они днями называли ложью, теорией заговора, сумасшествием, в которое аморально верить, на самом деле целиком и полностью правда”, цитирует Карлсона РИА Новости. An article on the Russian-language news site Radio Sputnik featured content from a Fox News segment.

Russia has supported the idea that the United States was developing bioweapons in Ukraine. During the invasion of Ukraine, it found new resonance.

After a Senate hearing in which Victoria Nuland, an under secretary of state, confirmed the existence of biolabs in Ukraine, Mr. Carlson used his show to suggest that the U.S. government was lying. The segment was seized on by the Russian media.

Tucker Carlson told Fox News that the U.S. baselessly accused Russia of spreading misinformation about biolabs in Ukraine because they later actually confirmed their existence.

An American politician believes that the United States is forcing Zelensky’s hand toward massacre Американский политик считает, что США подталкивают Зеленского к бойне “There is a peace offer on the table, but we’re leading Zelensky on and leading them down the path to further slaughter, and not encouraging them to follow this pass of diplomacy.” По словам республиканца, кандидатуру которого в Конгресс поддержал бывший американский лидер Дональд Трамп, эскалация на Украине служит “отличным способом отвлечь внимание от политического кризиса” внутри США. An article on the Russian-language news site TASS featured content from a Fox News segment.

Interviews with pundits and politicians were used to undermine the West's support of Ukraine. Joe Kent, a Republican candidate for the House from Washington State, said on Fox News that the West's support of Ukraine was killing people because it gave the country an incentive not to agree to a peace deal with Russia.

His criticisms were quickly repeated by Tass.

According to the Republican who supported Donald Trump, the political crisis in the United States is being diverted by the situation in Ukraine.

In the United States, the truth about why Biden is helping Ukraine has been revealed В США раскрыли правду о том, почему Байден помогает Украине “You wouldn’t want to think that your government would intentionally exacerbate the suffering of millions of Ukrainian civilians in order to take over America’s energy grid. But that seems to be exactly what is happening right now.” “Вы бы не хотели признать, что ваше правительство намеренно усугубляет страдания миллионов украинских граждан, чтобы захватить энергетическую сеть США, но, похоже, именно это сейчас и происходит”, сказал он. An article on the Russian-language news site Prime featured content from a Fox News segment.

Fox News stories about President Biden were often highlighted by Russian media.

The week that Mr. Biden directed an expletive at a Fox News reporter was mentioned in nearly 400 Russian-language stories. For weeks, the exchange was repeated in stories about the president's fitness for the job.

As the invasion began, attention shifted to questioning Mr. Biden's motives. Mr. Carlson's argument that Mr. Biden encouraged the conflict to make fossil fuels more expensive for the average person was detailed in an article by Prime.

The article said that the reforms would endanger American industry, impoverish entire cities and make the United States dependent on Chinese solar panels.