Alexander Krivenyshev, president of, captured this shot of a planet parade over Manhattan's Upper West Side on the morning of April 15, 2022.

Alexander Krivenyshev, president of, captured this shot of a planet parade over Manhattan's Upper West Side on the morning of April 15, 2022.   (Image credit: Alexander Krivenyshev (

There is a nice photo to lighten up your Easter weekend.

The astronomer snapped a picture of four planets in the sky over Manhattan.

Krivenyshev, the president of, took the photo at 5:36 a.m. EDT (0936 GMT) from Guttenberg, New Jersey, which is across the Hudson River from New York City. It shows Jupiter, Venus, Mars and Saturn shining above city lights in a brightening predawn sky.


The brightest planets in April's night sky

It's no small feat to take pictures of the stars against a big city backdrop.

High clouds and light-polluted skies give one a short window of time to get a shot of a city.

On Friday morning, a window opened when Jupiter rose above a cloud layer and the other three planets were still visible in the sky.

The parade will continue through April. Check out our April skywatching guide to learn more about how to see it.

The planets aren't the only targets for the accomplished Astrophotographer. He captured amazing photos of the International Space Station crossing the face of the full moon.

He has taken pictures of the sun and the International Space Station. If you don't have the proper gear and know what you're doing, you could damage your instruments and eyes.

We have guides for the best binoculars and telescopes to help you see planets in the night sky. If you want to take pictures of planets, you should consider our best cameras for Astrophotography and best lens for Astrophotography.

Let us know if you capture a stunning photo of the night sky and would like to share it with for a story or gallery. You can send images and comments to

Mike Wall is the author of Out There, a book about the search for alien life. You can follow him on social media. Follow us on social media.