Sources close to Kim tell us that she was not serious if there was another sex tape out there with her and Ray J. Kim was worried about the rumors of a second sex tape in the first episode of the show. She said she was 99% certain that there wasn&t one, but what if I was sleeping and he stuck a dildo up my ass? I don't know. The comment was funny and dramatic in the moment with Kris and Khloer to drive home the fact that she really did not remember there was another tape. Our sources say the next episode shows the lengths that Kim went to make sure there was no tape, and if it did happen it would never see the light of day. We are told that you can see that Ray J's hard drive was given to Kim to prove there was no additional footage. Ray J gave Ye the hard drive. Ray J gave the hard drive to Kim because he wanted them to close the book on the sex tape saga. Ray wants nothing to do with the tape. Kim never thought Ray would try to sell another tape. Kim poured over the contents of the hard drive and didn't find anything. Kim talks about how she wants to focus on her kids, her business and justice reform, even though no such footage exists. Hulu