NASA's Peter Kalmus chained himself to a JP Morgan Chase bank last week to protest government inaction on climate change.

Kalmus posted a video of the day on the internet. Kalmus was handcuffed to the door while giving a speech and he gestured with his free hand.

Kalmus said in another video clip that they were going to lose everything.

Kalmus was fighting off tears as he spoke about the Earth.

I'm here because scientists aren't being listened to. Kalmus said that he was willing to take a risk for this gorgeous planet.

Hush Hush

Kalmus was arrested at the event, and later said that scientists around the world were also taken to jail for similar protests. Kalmus has been very active on the internet since his release. He explained his work in an op-ed for the Guardian.

Kalmus is concerned. Kalmus is still pointing out that despite the signs around us, stories about dire warnings about scientists rarely make the front pages.

Kalmus said this week that the Earth was on track to be unlivable. You can't make this up.

We might end up reading those stories in a wasteland if they start hitting page one.

The City-Sized Ice Shelf Collapses as the Climate Changes.

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