A Czech company is working on a way for people to live on into eternity. The company called Somnium Space uses NFTs to allow people to buy virtual real estate to build/store virtual assets, including homes.

According to an interview with Vice, the company is hoping to expand beyond this space by launching a "live forever" mode, which allows people to create digital avatars that mimic their appearance, voice, and personality.

Polygonal avatars in Somnium Space.

Artur Sychov, the CEO of Somnium Space, lost his father to cancer and wanted to find a way to keep his personality alive. An artificial intelligence construct can interact with friends and family members in a believable way. Sychov said in an interview with Vice that he would meet the person. For the first 10 minutes, you would not know that it is actually artificial intelligence. That is the goal.

The company will collect a lot of data. The company will need to harvest a lot of personal data. With enough data, Somnium Space hopes to create a digitalavatar that can have at least a short conversation before it's clear the person is a computer program.

Being recorded in this way can be pretty unnerving in a time when people are more concerned about their online data and how it is used. Sychov doesn't think it should be a problem. Someone can opt out of the program at any time. He believes that the company's operations are transparent and trustworthy since they don't sell your data to other companies.

In order for users to trust any metaverse Company it needs to have completely transparent and understandable business model. Blockchain provides and allows exactly that. That is why we belive and build decentralized future at @SomniumSpace https://t.co/ndiKotU13t

— Artur Sychov | Somnium Space VR ➡️ NFC Lisbon (@ASychov) April 13, 2022

Privacy-focused companies have been caught selling data in the past. Live forever mode is an interesting idea that shows the potential of the budding industry.

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