geopolitics, and the space are colliding.

Scott Kelly's first-ever non-fungible token will be sold to raise money for Ukrainian relief charities, as reported by

Kelly's NFT collection, titled Dreams Out of This World, will be released exclusively on the OpenSea NFT marketplace, and hopefully help.

Space Inspo

Kelly spoke to

He told the site that he was a bad student and didn't do well in school.

The Right Stuff is a 1979 nonfiction book about the Project Mercury test pilots who became guinea pigs for the burgeoning spaceflight industry in the late 50s and early 60s.

He said that after reading the seminal nonfiction work, which inspired many other astronauts, that he really believed in the idea that inspiration can be done in the right way for the right person at the right time.

Crypto Futures

Kelly said that he believes the metaverse and cryptocurrencies will be a big part of our future.

Kelly explained on his verified account last month that the war in Ukraine is personal to him because his nephew and niece have roots in the country.

The family's homeland has been under attack, but the nephew is determined to raise money to help families.

The International Day of Human Spaceflight commemorated the first ever trip to space by the USSR's cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin, and Kelly's NFT drop raised $500,000 in its first day.

In the case of Ukraine, which is one of the top use of cryptocurrencies in the world, they can make a big difference. This is better than an overpriced illustration of an ape.

Scott Kelly launched the 1st NFT and raised $500,000 to support Ukraine.

Ukraine is 3D scanning its precious artifacts before Russia destroys them.

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