Framed and actorle are Wordle- style guessing games and movies that are perfect for fans of Wordle.

Framed and actorle test players on different aspects of movie knowledge, with Framed focusing on how well you recognize film visuals and actorle on how much you know about actors. Here is how you play them.


An image of a silhouette of a building against an orange sky, with the option to guess what movie it's from underneath.

Guess the movie from the shot. Credit: Screenshot: Framed/Film image from Shotdeck

Framed gives you six chances to guess the answer. You are guessing the title of a movie instead of guessing a word.

Framed gives you one frame from the film of the day. If you get the answer wrong, it will give you a second chance, and so on and so forth until you reach your sixth chance. Unlike Wordle, you don't get any more information on how close your answers are to the correct one. As your guesses run out, the film frames get more obvious. Even if a game of Framed opens with a shot you don't recognize, later images usually include stills of the film's main character.

Being a gateway to film recommendations is what Framed has. If you don't like the film but think it looked cool, check it out! You will get a sense of satisfaction when you see the Framed stills.


Chances are you will be a powerhouse at actorle if you ever scrolled through an actor's IMDb page. This Wordle clone gives you a list of movies, and you have to guess the name of the actor who appeared in them. The catch? The films' names are blacked out.

You still get some information. The film title from the actor of the day's resume comes with the movie's release year, genres, and IMDb rating. All the letters have been replaced by Xs, and none have been added or subtracted from the title. Chances are you are correct if you have suspicions about the movie title and number of letters.

There are a few moving parts to the hints you will receive once you get going, which is why actorle gives you eight guesses instead of the standard Wordle six. When you type in an actor's name, you will be able to see if they were in any movies on the redacted list and how old they are. This is an example of a guess.

A grid of redacted movie titles.

Here's what it looks like when you play Actorle. Credit: Screenshot: Actorle

When you guess the name of an actor who has appeared with a mystery actor, their name is highlighted in yellow, and the film they were in is highlighted in green. You can tell that the actor of the day was in Michael Clayton by the image above. The name of an actor who wasn't in any of the redacted movies will be highlighted in red.

The age of the actor will be highlighted in red or yellow if you guess them wrong. There is an age gap between your guess and the day's answer if the number is yellow. The age gap is greater if it is red. The mystery is more than 10 years older than 44 and less than 10 years older than 60, placing them in the 61 to 71 range.

The bonus reward of actorle is the chance to discover new actors and movies. If you love the actor of the day, but haven't seen all the movies on their list, this daily puzzle is the perfect way to add something new to your watchlist.