Amy Wax is a law professor at the University of Pennsylvania. Wax criticized immigrants who criticize the U.S. during an interview with Tucker Carlson on his Fox News show. Blacks and non-Western people have a lot of resentment and shame against Western peoples.NextShark
Penn Law professor Amy Wax tells Tucker Carlson that "Blacks" and other "non-western" groups harbor "resentment, shame, and envy" against western people for their "outsized achievements and contributions."
— nikki mccann ramírez (@NikkiMcR) April 11, 2022
The problem is here. They are taught that they are better than everyone else because they are Brahmin elites. They feel bad. They feel bad. It creates insensitivity of the most monstrous kind.
Wax then attacks Indian immigrants for criticizing things in the US when "their country is a shithole" and goes on to say that "the role of envy and shame in the way that the third world regards the first world [...] creates ingratitude of the most monstrous kind."
— nikki mccann ramírez (@NikkiMcR) April 11, 2022
South Asian doctors at Penn Medicine are on the ramparts for the antiracism initiative.
A video clip of her comments went viral with over a million views. Her comments have been criticized by her peers and viewers.
Prof Amy Wax resents that she sees all the brown faces at Penn Medicine and wants to ask them why they came here. If she is in the hospital, they are probably going to treat her.
In which Prof Amy Wax resents that she sees all the “brown faces” at Penn Medicine and wants to ask them “why did you come here?”
Meanwhile, most were born in the U.S. and Americans all their lives. And are probably going to be the ones to treat her if she’s in the hospital.
— Neil Makhija (@NeilMakhija) April 12, 2022
Some of us Indian American doctors do our part to make America's healthcare system great. Penn Medicine professor and urologist Aseem Shukla said that they have the right to criticize it.
Hey Amy Wax @pennlaw, some of us Indian American docs @PennMedicine do our part to make America the great healthcare system you describe. So, yeah, we have the right to criticize it too.
“Caste” “Brahmins” “3rd world” “shithole counties”…yup, in 2022!
— Aseem Shukla (@aseemrshukla) April 12, 2022
This is the most despicable piece of TV I have seen in a long time. This needs to have consequences.
This is the most despicable piece of TV I have seen in a long time. The outright racism is straight out of the 1950s. This needs to have consequences. @PennMEHP @upenn needs to dismiss this “professor” immediately.
— Jeffrey Bruckel MD MPH (@BruckelJeffrey) April 12, 2022
Wax attracted similar controversy for her January appearance on The Glenn Show, where she said that the United States is better off with fewer Asians and less Asian immigration.
The dean of Penn's Carey Law School invoked a faculty review to sanction the tenured professor after he made anti-intellectual and racist comments.
Her views do not reflect the values or practices of the University of Pennsylvania.
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