Is it possible that you don't miss the unlimited storage of Google Photos? It will cost you if you get it back. T-Mobile is introducing an exclusive, $15 per month plan that includes unlimited photo and video storage as well as 2 terabytes of shareable space. You can take as many pictures as you want from your phone, without having to use up your allotted space. The plan will be available on April 26th. It includes all the perks of the $10 per month plan, including advanced photo editing and extended trials for services like Stadia and YouTube Premium. When you have to tie yourself to two services, this offering won't be appealing to everyone. If you don't need the other benefits, it's a lot to pay for the unlimited photo storage. If you don't see yourself leaving T-Mobile any time soon, this may be a welcome blast of nostalgia.J. Fingas|04.12.22