He was known for his outrageous voice acting and crude humor, which earned him the reputation as a comedian. He was banned from the awards show after making a joke about masturbation in his monologue.
The duck mascot of the insurance company Aflac was voiced by Gilbert Gottfried until he was fired in 2011.
He joked about 9/11 at a Hugh Hefner roast three weeks after the attacks. After realizing that he had lost the crowd, he gave his take on the famous joke known as "the Aristocrats", which was later turned into a documentary.
He told the New York Times that he loves to go to dark areas.
He directed his humor at himself. He said in an interview that a popular comedy club in New York City called the Improv would put him onstage to clear the audience out at the end of the show.
Celebrity Wife swap was one of the TV shows in which his wife swapped places with Alan Thicke's wife.