He thinks women should know how to cook and when to be quiet for a man. The quarterback made controversial comments on the Barstool Sports show about being raised in a household by his mother, father, and grandmother. He believes that the bad bitch is not something women should strive for. Cam said that a woman for him is handling her own, but knowing how to cater to a man's needs. You cannot cook. You don't know when to be quiet. You don't know how to allow a man to lead. He insisted on the show that he was not trying to beat up my queens with his statements, but he called for men to start being men. That person should not be rewarded. The words "sexist and misogynistic" were used by many on social media. He was criticized for laughing at a female reporter's question during a press conference and said it was funny. After apologizing for his words, he lost a major sponsorship with Oikos yogurt. He started 5 games for the Carolina Panthers in 2021, but went 0-5. MILLION DOLLAZ WORTH OF GAME / Barstool Sports