April 11, 2022.
Hacker collective Anonymous continues to monitor Putin's invasion of Ukraine and reports that it will continue its cyber war until Russia stops its aggression.
In a recent statement, Anonymous said it will continue to release confidential information. The declaration was made after reports of Russia's brutality in Ukraine.
The data of over one hundred thousand Russian soldiers has been leaked. State-controlled television was taken over to show the real damage in Ukraine.
The S&P report said that Russia had failed to pay its foreign debt by offering to pay in rubles.
Russia had access to some of its frozen assets until last week. The country's access to its reserves in American banks was blocked last week by the U.S. treasury.
Since the beginning of the Ukraine invasion, Anonymous has been hacking into government and bank records.
The personal information of more than 100,000 Russian soldiers was hacked by Anonymous.
Statement: Personal data of 120,000 Russian soldiers fighting in Ukraine was leaked - https://ddosecrets[.]com/wiki/Russian_soldier_leak
All soldiers participating in the invasion of Ukraine should be subjected to a war crime tribunal.
The country's central bank was hacked by Anonymous and 35,000 files were stolen. Some of the alleged stolen documents were posted on the account.
🔴MESSAGE FROM #ANONYMOUS RABBIT:No passage to injusticeNo passage to kill innocentsNo passage to Putin and oligarchsCentral Bank of Russian Federation has been hackedâ—ï¸More than 35.000 files will be released within 48 hours with secret agreements.
Expect us#Ukraine pic.twitter.com/qy1TheVKNp
— The Black Rabbit World (@Thblckrbbtworld) March 23, 2022
The collective posted on its official account that it had hacked Russian television channels to show the destruction caused by Putin's invasion of Ukraine.
The hackers have also hacked a censorship agency, government, corporate, and news websites.