Ivan covers Big Tech, India, policy, security, platforms, and apps. That is a mixed bag. Ivan covers Big Tech, India, policy, artificial intelligence, security, platforms, and apps. That is a mixed bag. He likes to say "Bleh". There is a collection of tips, guides, and advice on how to easily get the most out of your gadgets, apps, and other stuff. If your friends come over to your house, you might have to tell them your password. You would need to type it in for them if it is a complex password. If there are more than a few friends at your house, it becomes cumbersome. You can speed up the process by using a QR Code, which your friends can use to connect to your network. Here is how you can do it. You can use other tools for the same task. You don't have to type in the password for all your friends at once. If you don't want to use any websites, you can use a code from your phone. You can use this guide to create a QR code on your phone if you have a phone with the new operating system. You can check out our guide to scanning with a QR code on your phone. You can read an article on safe QR code scanning if you own an Android phone. Further reading: Everything you need to know about the internet. Image by: Pixabay