One of the best ways to stay healthy is to eat a diet full of fruit and vegetables. If you want to lose weight, adopting a vegan diet might be a good idea.

People who eat more plant foods tend to weigh less than people who eat meat, dairy and eggs, according to a study. According to a study published in the new tab, substituting plant protein for animal one has been associated with lower mortality.

According to research, reaching and maintaining a healthy weight can cut the risk of heart disease, as well as reducing blood pressure, cholesterol and the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Being overweight can cause issues with sleep, low energy and confidence.

Is a vegan diet good for weight loss? We look at whether cutting out meat, dairy and other animal products can help you to lose weight. Just because something is labeled vegan doesn't mean it's healthy. Even if they are meat-free, packaged foods tend to be processed and have added sugar, fat and salt. If you want to lose weight on a vegan diet, you should avoid these.


Vegan diet for weight loss: eat enough protein

What is it? It is important for us to have a healthy diet and a good source of nutrition. It can help with weight loss because it helps to keep the body full, meaning less chance of snacking on junk food or giving into sugar cravings.

Adults need around 0.75g ofProtein per kilo of body weight per day. It's about two portions of meat, fish, nuts or tofu per day. A portion of the food should fit in the palm of your hand as a rough guide.

vegan protein sources

(Image credit: Getty Images)

She says that it can keep you fuller for longer compared with sugars and fats. Plant foods include nuts, seeds, tofu and soy products.

If you don't like eating meat, you can drink a vegan shake. They shouldn't replace wholefood sources of plant based protein.

Is it new to the powders? We have a guide to the best vegan powder.

Vegan diet for weight loss: focus on filling fiber

Hope explains that the microbes in the gut feed off the fiber in order to grow and survive.

For those trying to lose weight, eating plant-based foods that are rich in fiber can help keep you full for a longer period of time. The good news is that fiber is found in plants which are part of a vegan diet.

If you want to lose weight, you may want to focus more on the lower energy fiber-rich plant foods.

A 2015 study found that eating 30g of fiber a day, without making any other changes, could help with weight loss.

Fiber is good for the heart, gut and digestion. Most of us aren't getting enough. TheDietary Guidelines for Americans recommend that women and men eat 25g and 36g of fiber, respectively.

Vegan diet for weight loss: avoid processed vegan food

Hope says that there is a misconception that vegan food is healthy. If you're focused on health and weight, you're better off eating a diet of plants and whole foods.

If you are going vegan, you should be aware of the higher risk of deficiency that can occur if you exclude animal products from your diet.

Vegan diet for weight loss: check food labels

Food labels can be used as an indicator of how much you are eating. The best foods to choose are the ones without a label as they are the least processed.

She says that weight loss is unique for every individual and often requires a whole host of measures to be aligned. If you want to aim for lower sugar foods, you should look for foods that have less than 1.5 grams of saturated fat per 100g.

woman checking a food label

(Image credit: Getty Images)

If you follow a vegan diet, you may be missing out on certain vitamins and minerals, such as calcium and vitamins D and B12, for good health.

Vegan diet for weight loss: skip refined sugar

Sugar is high in calories and low in vitamins, which can lead to weight gain. Sugar can be hidden in the ingredients list. All of these are sugar, so look out for anything ending in ose. If you are trying to lose weight, you probably shouldn't eat it if you haven't heard of it.

Hope says that sugar contributes to blood sugar spikes and crashes which drives our sugar cravings and the constant need for sugar to maintain energy. If you want to hit your sweet tooth, you should limit your sugar intake and focus on sweeter foods that are rich in fiber.

To reach your weight loss goals, you need to find a diet that is right for you and that you can stick to.

A vegan diet does not mean you will lose weight. If you have a low fiber intake, be careful to increase your intake slowly and over time to prevent gastrointestinal discomfort.