The theme of the party was cat themed, and the child likes cats. The festivities have been documented all day by Mama Bear, just like any otherKardashian shindig for their children. Their house is completely decorated with decorations. True is loving it, as it would appear that the group went with a feline feeling to ring in the big day. Some of the videos of her soaking it all in are very touching. True and her cousins/ friends have more than enough to keep them occupied, since there is a ton of cat party favors all over the place. There is a trampoline, a face painter, a ball pit with stuffed animals and prizes, a jump house/slide, and a character in costume who is all set to boogie. The girl is getting down. Her birthday cake was multi-tiered and intricately designed. There is a theme for what is going on around them. It is kind of the M.O. for theKardashian moms, they go all out for their kids, and Khloer is no exception. If you watch her IG Story, you will see the full scope of the scene. There is a place that is like a kid's playground. It looks like some of Kim's children are also on hand, including North, who gets a little mouthy with her aunt about her thoughts at age 4. What else could a 4-year-old want in this day and age? Nothing as far as we can tell. Her mother checked all the boxes. True is enjoying every second of it. Happy birthday! Instagram / @khloekardashian
Instagram / @khloekardashian