Chris Rock's joke about Jada Pinkett Smith was offensive, but it was more flattering than anything. Jannica made it clear that the "G.I. Jane" dig wasn't that big of a deal. As she watched clips of the exchange after it happened, she was waiting for the hurt part to come about, but it never did. I didn't see what was offensive about it. We are all in different places, and we have different experiences. The joke was not offensive to me. I think that's cool. She explains that the character of Jordan O' Connell in the 90's movie "G.I. Jane" is a symbol of female empowerment. I would have loved to have heard that. That is me, right? I can't speak for anyone else. Even if he was pissed off, Jannica says he should have restrained himself. She says that they are all human. We are all going to get triggered by things. You have to be an adult and sit with something and not react in that way. Will's reaction was either a result of the hair crack itself or it was deeper. The bald joke may have been the last straw, but most seem to agree. It is unclear how offended Jada actually was in the moment, but just days before the Oscars, she telegraphed her confidence about her hair. There are seemingly mixed signals on that front. Many in the African-American community have argued that hair is important and meaningful to Black women, so some might not accept Jannica's take here at face value. Jannica lost her hair and it was a huge part of her identity as a woman. Jada is moving on with her life and is already out and about.
3/27/22 ABC