Longer days and more time spent outdoors will come with warmer temperatures. As flowers bloom and greenery becomes a seasonal staple, there are more things waiting for us. There are bugs. Lots of them. Some serve a purpose while others are pests. As spring progresses, be on the lookout for unwanted visitors. Think again if you thought you saw enough of the spotted lanternfly last year. They are back and they are bringing friends. Christopher Wade is the pesticides administrator at the Delaware Department of Agriculture. The spotted lanternfly's presence depends on how many eggs it lays in the winter and how much rain it gets in the summer. The problem has already increased tenfold if those eggs aren't killed or the bug isn't eradicated while it is a nymph. It's hard to keep them under control once they have wings and can fly. He said the best way to get rid of this species is to use systemic pesticides. The tick should be on your radar because it is native to Delaware. The lone star tick is the most common tick in the area. It is found all over the state in Kent and Sussex counties. It is mighty, even though it may be tiny. The bite itself can be very painful and itchy, according to the Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control. A bite from a lone star tick could cause a person to develop a food allergy to red meat and other products made from mammals. The black-legged/deer tick is more likely to bite you than other tick species. If not treated early, it can cause illnesses such as Lyme disease, which can spread to your joints, heart and nervous system. Kennedy said that the American dog tick is the least likely to make you sick. Symptoms of the disease include a rash, headaches, and a high temperature. If it is not treated early on, it can be fatal. The Asian longhorned tick is the newest tick species in Delaware. The female population of this species can lay eggs without a male being present. Regardless of what type of tick you encounter, be cautious whenever you are walking in tall grasses, hiking in a forest or lounging in your backyard. Kennedy said that there are some tips to avoid tick bites, such as wearing light colors, applying insecticidal soaps to your skin and clothing, and checking yourself for bugs that may have hitched a ride. If you find a tick bite, the best way to remove it is to use a pair of tweezers to grab the tick as close to your skin as possible. The stink bug is back again. If it's warm, stink bugs will sleep in houses during the winter. Wade said that now that we're leaving cooler temperatures behind, expect to see a lot more of these little guys poking out of air vents or rummaging along windowsills. The Joro spider and the Asian giant hornet have not been recorded in the First State yet. The Joro spider, which is known for its bright colors and large size, was first found in Georgia in 2013 and has kept its reach to the southern states so far but could spread further north eventually. There are other large wasp species in Delaware, but the Asian giant hornet is the only one that has been seen on the West Coast. Last year, there were 5 plants that were not native to Delaware. The 6 bug species will emerge in Delaware as temperatures warm. To prolong the life of your coffee maker and ensure the perfect cup of coffee every time, learn how to clean it. Say goodbye to bland deviled eggs. Charlie Shrem, the man who bought bitcoin at $5, is urging people to mark their calendars for April 27th. Have you ever tried to peel back the outer layers of an onion and found a softer brown layer between the fresh rings? We all have. What are you going to do next? When your onion has a brown ring, read on to find out what to do. 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Emergency managers and weather officials are still assessing the damage. The water is worth billions to western Kansas, but it is disappearing. It has been a challenge to find ways to slow down.1. Spotted Lanternfly
2. Lone Star Tick
3. Black-legged/deer tick
4. American dog tick
5. Asian longhorned tick
6. Stink bugs
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