Bill Browder is an international investor who once ran the largest foreign investment fund in Russia.

In an interview with The New York Times, hedge fund manager Bill Browder said that every business has a moral obligation to leave Russia.

Companies should not want to go back if Putin is still in power.

Hundreds of companies have cut ties with Russia. According to a Yale University database, many brands have continued their Russian operations.

Hermitage Capital Management was one of the best performing funds in the world. Browder used stakeholder activism to expose corruption in Russian companies. A long list of enemies was created by the investment style.

Putin is one of his top enemies. During the 2016 Muller investigation, Putin mentioned a man who was banned from entering the country in 2005 for being a national security threat to Russia. According to The New York Times, Putin made an offer that the US could travel to Russia for suspect interrogation if Russian law enforcement could question Bill Browder.

The former investor is now a human rights activist.

You can read DealBook's full interview with Browder on The New York Times.