Igor Bonifacic
NASA's next-generation moon rocket, the Space Launch System (SLS) rocket with its Orion crew capsule perched on top, makes a highly anticipated, slow-motion journey from the Vehicle Assembly Building (VAB) to its launch pad at Cape Canaveral, Florida, U.S. March 17, 2022. Picture taken March 17, 2022. NASA/Aubrey Gemignani/Handout via REUTERS. THIS IMAGE HAS BEEN SUPPLIED BY A THIRD PARTY.
NASA NASA / reuters

The final test of NASA's next-generation Space Launch System has once again been delayed. The agency spent a lot of time last weekend preparing for the Artemis 1 Moon mission. The test was supposed to replicate the mission's countdown procedure and was mostly moving along according to plan until NASA encountered a problem with the SLS mobile launcher platform.

NASA had to delay the critical test to fix the problem that prevented them from safely loading the rocket with liquid propellant. It had originally planned to resume the test on April 9th to accommodate the Space historic Ax-1 flight, but it was further delayed to the start of next week. The test will be changed after engineers noticed a problem with a check valve designed to prevent the gas from escaping the SLS. NASA will focus on fueling the rocket's core stage in the modified test.

Due to the changes in loading procedures required for the modified test, wet dress rehearsal testing is slated to resume with call to stations on Tuesday, April 12th and tanking on Thursday, April 14th.

NASA can move forward with Artemis 1 once the test is complete. The trip around the Moon will be used to study how the trip will affect human astronauts. The agency won't set a date for the mission until it completes a wet dress rehearsal. Artemis 1 could lift off as early as June if it doesn't encounter any more setbacks this week.

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