Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., speaks during a Senate Finance Committee nomination hearing on Feb. 23, 2021.Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., speaks during a Senate Finance Committee nomination hearing on Feb. 23, 2021.

Americans are more in favor of a wealth tax. These policies have struggled to gain traction despite an increase in proposals.

The latest federal wealth tax proposal was unveiled by President Joe Biden as part of his 2023 budget plan, which aims to reduce the deficit by $360 billion.

Biden's minimum income tax calls for a 20% tax on households worth more than $100 million.

Policy experts say that the plan may struggle to gain broad support with possible legal issues if enacted.

Steve Rosenthal is a senior fellow at the Urban-Brookings Tax Policy Center.

The federal government used to rely on estate levies to tax wealth, but many of the richest households use estate planning strategies to avoid these taxes.

Mega-billionaires who have accumulated massive amounts of appreciated wealth don’t pay tax in their lifetime, and can sidestep paying tax at death.

Rosenthal said that the estate tax is so porous that they are not collecting on the wealth.

The tax code favors earnings from investments, such as interest, dividends, capital gains or rent, which is why many of the wealthiest families pay relatively low levies on income.

The top marginal income tax rate is 37%, while the highest earner pays 20% for long-term capital gains, plus a 3.8% Obamacare surcharge.

During the 2020 presidential primaries, federal wealth taxes drew national attention.

Warren called for a 2% yearly ultra-millionaire tax on Americans with a net worth over $50 million to help fund social spending programs.

A tiered approach starting at 1% for fortunes above $32 million up to 8% on net wealth over $10 billion was the plan that was countered by Sanders.

The Ultra-Millionaire Tax Act was floated by Warren and other Democrats in March of 2021.

Warren said in a statement that a wealth tax is popular among voters because they understand the system is rigged to benefit the wealthy and large corporations.

A 2020 poll shows that a majority of Americans support a wealth tax on the rich. The plan didn't pick up steam in Congress.

There has been a slight shift from plans to tax wealth directly, with concerns about whether the proposals will pass muster in a judicial system.

The courts can argue about what counts as income if the 16th Amendment is enacted.

Legal experts say the bigger issue is the definition of billionaire and the net worth calculation. It's not possible to split direct taxes among states based on population since some places don't have billionaires.

Senate Finance Committee Chairman Ron Wyden unveiled a plan for a tax on billionaires in October, affecting Americans with over $1 billion of wealth or an adjusted gross income exceeding $100 million for three consecutive years.

Wyden insisted that the plan was constitutional because capital gains taxes are already included in the tax code. Democrats did not like the proposal.

Biden's budget calls for a tax on asset gains at death, which was previously dropped during negotiations.

heirs can delay taxes on growth until they sell their property The asset's purchase price is adjusted to the value on the date of death.

Mega-billionaires who have accumulated massive amounts of appreciated wealth don't pay tax in their lifetime, and can sidestep paying tax at death.

France is one of only five Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development members to collect tax revenue from net wealth. Pictured, the Eiffel Tower in Paris.

Politicians around the world have struggled to implement wealth taxes and keep them on the books.

In 2020, only five Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development members collected revenue from net wealth, down from a peak of 12 countries in 1996, according to a Tax Foundation analysis.

One of the issues in Europe is the ability to sidestep levies by moving from one country to another.

There wasn't a lot of success in revenue collection.

The Tax Foundation found that several countries have repealed net wealth taxes for various reasons.

Despite the dim outlook for Biden's billionaire minimum income tax, experts believe we'll continue seeing wealth tax proposals.

John Gimigliano, head of federal legislative regulatory services at accounting firm KPMG, said that these proposals are popular and probably not going away.

Many Americans approve of higher taxes on the ultra-wealthy. A survey found that nearly two-thirds of people support a minimum 20% tax on income over $100 million.

According to CNBC's survey of millionaires, some 60% of them support a wealth tax on people with $10 million or more.

It may take time for policymakers to come to grips with the reality oflevies on wealth.

If Biden runs for re-election in 2024, Gimigliano said, these ideas may return.

He said that the proposal would be something he would be talking about on the campaign trail.