There are exceptions to the rule of having to play online with PS Plus. Most free-to-play games allow people to play online with friends. We have created a list of the best PS5 games online that you can play without a PS Plus account. Sony has an entire section of its store dedicated to showing the complete list of free-to-play games on PS4 and PS5.

The world of Teyvat is a place where gods are worshiped. After being separated from your twin, you travel the kingdom looking for answers. There are lots of enemies and mysteries waiting for you on your adventure.

You can explore seven different regions in Genshin Impact, each based on a god. Four characters in a party give the combat more depth. The more challenges you complete, the higher your Adventure Rank goes. The gacha system is used by the developer to monetize rare character and materials.

Rocket League

Six years ago, Rocket League launched into PS Plus and is still going strong today, no doubt due to its move to a free-to-play title. One part soccer and one part vehicular combat is fun to play with friends. It supports cross-play between consoles and PCs, meaning you can play with friends on any system. Cross- platform progression is supported if you want to transfer to the PS4.


There are more than a dozen arenas to play in, each with its own look. The boost pads give players a quick speed boost and could be the difference in the game. Your car needs to keep up with this, it's all about quick reflexes and quick thinking.

You will be hard-pressed to find another battle royale with the same gunplay. Many of the Modern Warfare entries were developed by Infinity Ward. Warzone has 150-player matches and some limited-time modes that can bring the number up to 200 players. You will be challenged to be the last person standing as the map shrinks. If a player dies, they are given the ability to take out another player in one-to-one combat.

Call of Duty: Warzone is a battle Royale game that is different from the other ones. You don't need a PS Plus subscription to play it on PS4 or PS5.


Dauntless is similar to Monster Hunter. The Shattered Isles have been ravaged by a cataclysmic event that has left Behemoths, monstrous creatures that have popped up in the aftermath. With your comically large weapons, you can level up and get new gear. Some Behemoth gear are weak or resistant to certain elements, so it's important to choose the right gear.

You can play it with friends, but you can also go on a solo adventure if you don't want to team up. Dauntless supports cross-play between consoles. If you like the look of Monster Hunter combined with the look of Fortnite, Dauntless is for you.

Apex Legends

A battle Royale set in the Titanfall universe is called Apex Legends and it's giving a run for its money. In comparison to the video game, where you compete alone against 99 other players, the game emphasizes teamwork. The last team alive at the end of the round wins, because groups of two to three players work together to take out every other group. The hero characters with unique abilities and game mechanics make for much more interesting match-ups.

You can get in on the action today with tens of millions of players. Since its release, it has had several seasons of content, and developer Respawn continues to support it for the foreseeable future. For anyone who isn't interested in battle Royale games, give the game a try. You might be surprised.


At this point, there should be no need for much introduction. It is easily one of the most popular games in the world and has dominated much of gaming's news cycles for years since it launched. The new seasons of content are rolling out from the developer, thanks to the game's microtransactions.

Hollywood takes note of its status as a cultural phenomenon. Remember when the first broadcast of The Rise of Skywalker was heard in the game? Christopher Nolan has a movie in the game, and a rapper performed a concert. If you don't play, you're missing out on a lot.

Final Fantasy 14

It's a bit odd that Final Fantasy 14 is a bit of an odd one. You need a monthly subscription to keep playing after a certain level. It's still an online game that doesn't require PS Plus to play, and that's a nice bonus for anyone who doesn't want to spend more money on it. When it first launched, the popular online game set in the Final Fantasy universe wasn't universally loved, but it's come a long way and is much better now with a new expansion set to release soon.

There will be a lot of eccentricities in this epic tale. Most of the games on this list are free-to-play, but we wouldn't want to include it. Final Fantasy 14 is an excellent game that you should check out, and it is never a better time to play it. Final Fantasy 14's Endwalker expansion will be a one-time purchase, but will not be a free upgrade, like other aspects of the game.


Fans of the D&D's should feel at home in Neverwinter. The citizens of the Forgotten Realms are besieged by armies of the dead and need to take back the city and uncover why the dead are rising. Players can create their own user-generated content.

Not to be confused with Neverwinter Nights, also based on D&D's Forgotten Realms, Neverwinter is a completely separate title. This is the perfect way to live out your dreams if you are a fan of the game.


Smite is a popular online battle arena that has players taking control of gods and other beings in order to win. You will need to be at the top of your game to reign supreme, and there is a lot of thought involved in choosing which character will help your team best. Conquest is one of the game modes that is favored by many. The opposing teams need to be taken out to win the game.

MOBAs can be hit or miss with people, so you will probably know if you want to give it a try based on its trailers and demos. With an ever-growing player base, you will always be able to find a match.


Unlike the many battle royales and MMOs on this list, Brawlhalla is a 2D fighting game. Local and online play is available in various game modes, whether 1v1 or a free-for-all with multiple players. You can be the next person to jump in on the fun.

There are more than 50 characters that can be played with their own unique skills, but only a few are available for free each week. If you want to test out all of them, you need to purchase the All Legends Pack separately.

DC Universe Online

There are a number of superhero based games, from Rocksteady's Batman: Arkham to Insomniac's Spider-Man. You rarely get a decent game with a superhero focus. DC Universe Online may not be able to compete with single-player offerings. It is a great way to get into the DC Universe and play with your favorite heroes and villains.

Over the years, DC Universe Online has released many pieces of content to coincide with other DC media releases. It continues to be supported with seasonal events so you will have plenty of content to enjoy.


The world of Warframe is vast and dangerous as you awaken from centuries of cryosleep to a decimated civilization. As part of an ancient race of warriors, you will take on the genetically modified clones of the fallen Orokin Empire in a mechanized Warframe. Some missions have specific level designs, but other areas are procedurally-generated.

Warframe runs at up to 4K resolution and 60 frames per second on PS5 and it supports adaptive triggering on the dualsense when fighting with melee weapons. Anyone with a membership can get a free PS Plus Warframe booster pack that includes credit and affinity boosters along with in-game Platinum.

Paladins: Champions of the Realm

Hi-Rez was not content with sitting on the success of Smite and released a hero shooter. It is very much its own game despite this. In the fantasy world of Realm, the Magistrate and the Resistance are the center of the Paladins. The latter wants magic to be free for everyone, while the former wants to control it.

The classic Team Deathmatch is one of the game modes. I have good news for you, if you are thinking that this looks amazing, but I would really love a battle Royale version of it. Another free-to-play game on PS4 and PS5 is called Realm Royale.

Star Trek Online

You can play with Star Trek Online. After the events of Star Trek: Nemesis, players are tasked with defending the United Federation of Planets from the Borg. You can explore with new worlds and aliens. Over the course of its lifetime, Star Trek Online has seen several expansions that have added new locations and storylines.

There are far fewer Star Wars games on consoles than there are Star Trek games. If you are a fan of the series, Star Trek Online is worth your time. We could see more big-budget Star Trek games in the future if it continues to gain popularity.

You can still play online

If you don't want to pay for a PS Plus membership, there is still a way to play online. Call of Duty: Warzone takes the classic COD formula and combines it with battle royale. Dauntless is a free-to-play contender that gives the other games a run for their money. You will have a lot of shooter fun with the game. The studio did a good job with their first battle Royale game, even though it has unique character classes that can affect how you play.

If you haven't gotten your hands on the latter console, you can play these on PS4 and PS5 through backward compatibility. Walmart, Amazon, and Best Buy are the most reliable retailers when it comes to PS5 restocks. We said in our PS5 review that Sony raised the bar once again and created a marvelous console for all to enjoy.