The weather is getting warmer, which means more outdoor adventures. If you tend to take a lot of photos on your travels, it might be a good idea to consider an action camera or a drone. The Action 2 is a great way to record your hiking, biking, climbing, and other adventures.
We like the larger screen of the GoPro, but the Action 2 is better for times when weight is a factor. If you are planning to visit areas where drones are allowed, you should check out the Mavic 3, which is on sale.
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Why we like the action 2
The Action 2 dual screen combo is from the company.
Photograph: DJIThe core camera unit is tiny and lightweight thanks to a modular design. The top module in the image above is so light that I barely noticed it when I strapped it to my head. Even when you are bouncing along, the RockSteady 2 image stabilization tech smooths out your video for gimbal-like shots.
Several of the things that we didn't like in our initial review were fixed by the company. You can keep your footage level even when the camera is tilted up to 45 degrees with built-in stabilization. A new stabilization mode has been added by DJI. If you really want to travel light, the result is a much more compelling camera.
The modular design has trade-offs. For a quick run down the slope or trail, the built-in storage is limited to 32 gigabytes, but the camera module has a battery that lasts about 12 minutes. The run-time can be extended to around 180 minutes by adding a battery module. Only the lens portion of the camera is waterproof. There is a waterproof case you can buy to make the whole thing waterproof, but you lose the advantage of the fast-changing magnetic clip system. This is the system to get if you want an action camera with a lot of weight and size. Our guide to the best action cameras.
We like the DJI Mavic 3.
There is a photograph of DJI.
One of the best drones you can buy if you don't care about price is the DJI's Mavic 3, which is the oldest model in the company's lineup. It is still expensive even with this discount. The ability to travel and track objects at 45 miles per hour means that you are not going to miss a shot, and the image and video quality are amazing.
It has a flying time of 45 minutes, and it helps you stay away from trees and other drones. This is the lowest price we have ever tracked. For more recommendations, read our Best Drones guide.
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