According to the EPA, showering is one of the biggest uses of water in a home. You don't want to use a lot of water in the shower, but you need more than a few minutes to get clean. Where is the balance?
Keeping showers short is recommended by the Dermatologists. If you have a skin condition such as Eczema, hot water can cause irritation, and soaps and other products in the shower can also cause irritation. If you have itchy skin, the American Academy of Dermatology recommends showering under 10 minutes, and if you have scurvy, you may want to limit the shower time to just five minutes. Warm water will help you save energy.
A five-minute shower doesn't mean you should lather up in the last minute. If you are going into the shower, make sure you wash your clothes.
It may mean taking more than five minutes. Those of us with long hair need to be in there 10 to 20 minutes to wash and condition properly, and comb out the tangles, not to mention shaving our legs. Some of these jobs can be done while the water is off, but if you aren't willing to give up your long hot showers, perhaps you can counter the detrimental effects on your skin and the environment by taking fewer of them. One shower a week is enough for most of us.
The ideal shower time is around five minutes. Maybe we should aim for the middle of that range if the dermatologists are okay with less than 10 minutes. If you can get through your next shower in seven minutes or less, you can feel like an overachiever. Five minutes? I'm proud of you.
Standard showerheads use 2.5 gallons per minute, but Water Sense labeled ones use 2.0 gallons per minute or less. You can use the same amount of water as someone showering for five minutes with a standard head if you use a low-flow head. You will save energy since you are using less hot water.
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