At least I didn’t further my sugar addiction.

Coca-Cola Zero Sugar Byte is a limited edition soda. The flavor was inspired by the experiences that gaming makes possible and was born in the metaverse. And it was delivered.

The can for Coke Byte is a fun purple color, and has a retro-game aesthetic. I kept it in the fridge until my wife came home, and then we cracked it open to find out what it tasted like.

Image showing the Coke Byte can in its box.
Check out that retro aesthetic.

We are not quite sure.

Both of us had the same reaction to the first sip. It was bad. It made her mouth go numb. The taste was so off-putting that neither of us wanted to drink it again. I drank a good 75 percent of the can before dumping the rest down the drain because my brand is uncomfortable.

Out of the can, it just looks like Coke. Reader, it is not.

It's hard to describe the taste. The soda is sickly sweet and 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 It's not just sweet, there's a flavor there, but it's not something I can describe using any of the food words I know. It is not bright, but it is not bitter.

There is something fruity about Coke Byte. Not in the lemon-lime Gatorade way, where it at least evokes the taste of something natural, but more like how Axe Anarchy has a scent similar to berry. We were reminded of cough syrup.

Coke doesn't taste like Coke. I bought a bottle of original Coca-Cola and some plain Coke Zero Sugar to try with Byte, and both of the drinks tasted the same. The regular Coke Zero Sugar had a slightly poison-y aftertaste, but it was drowned out by the other flavors. The sodas had the same amount of fizz.

Spot the odd one out.

Becky couldn't put her finger on it, but she swore it reminded her of something. I don't think I've ever tasted anything like Byte. Coke might have been trying to go for an energy drink vibe. I asked if the energy drink reminded her of Red Bull or Monster, and she said it did.

Text message conversation reading: “Is it possible the coke is trying to taste like Red Bull or Monster?” “I think it’s Red Bull OMG.” “Sigh” “That’s why it smells like medicine. It’s Red Bull mixed with coke. How gross.” “I was going to say this means I’ll have to try Red Bull too. But actually I’m not going to do that.”
My dedication only goes so far.

There is a game called bingo.

I don't think that flavor profile is what someone would have asked me to make. I would probably try to evoke the feeling of licking a monitor. I apologize to my mom for what I was like as a child. Coke did the route it did. There is a stereotype of the energy drink-downing gaming audience, and the company is clearly going for that audience with Coke Byte.

I know I've been very negative about this drink, but that doesn't mean it's bad. While I didn't like it, I think it was fine, as evidenced by the fact that it was tasted by a person at a website.

Coke will be selling an extremely limited edition of Byte for a limited time if you want to try something new. The Coca-Cola company says that people in the US will be able to buy a two-pack of the 12-fluid-ounce cans on May 2nd. It will cost around$15 plus shipping, according to CNN.