Nadia and her bounty of red hair peek in disbelief out of the door of a 1980s New York City subway car.

If you didn't watch the first season of Russian Doll, you missed a wonderfully dark and occasionally poignant comedy about a woman who discovers she's stuck in a time loop where she keeps dying but then returning to the night of her birthday party. I recommend you watch the series over the next two weeks because the second season is on the way, and if this first trailer is any indication, it will make season one look normal.

That's impressive, given that in the first season of the show, the fate of the character was tied to a stranger named Alan, who was constantly reliving the day he tried to propose to his girlfriend only to discover she was having an affair. It looks like time has a lot of bigger plans in store.

Time prisoner indeed! If that train full of soldiers is any indication, it looks like Nadia gets thrown back into the past. She can still die, which is probably the best option if she needs to fix time, but also there's gold involved. The official synopsis of the season isn't very clear.

The second season of Russian Doll will continue to explore the themes of mortality and sci-fi. This season, the fate of the two people is worse than death, as they go through a time portal in the New York City subway. At first, they experience this as an ever-expanding, era-spanning, intergenerational adventure, but they soon discover this extraordinary event might be more than they bargained for and, together, must search for a way out.

Russian Doll also stars Annie Murphy, who will be joining the show for season two. You've got two weeks to watch it, because it will premiere April 20.

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