You can manage photos and videos you have taken or downloaded with the Photos app on every device.

A photo album is a great way to organize photos. It can be difficult to remove these photos.

Deleting some albums may not be possible if you have asynced your phone. The user's albums are a lot easier to destroy.

How to delete albums from your iPhone in the Photos app 

1. The Photos app has a icon that looks like a color wheel.

2. The bar has albums on it.

3. The See All option is on the right of the screen.

Album section in the iPhone Photos app, with the “See All” button highlighted.
Make sure you can see all the albums.
Meira Gebel/Insider

4. On the top-right, tap Edit.

5. The icons on the left side of the albums should look like a red circle with a line. You can find the album by scrolling or tapping the red icon.

Albums on iPhone, with a red circle button on the top left.
Pressing the red circle icon on the top left will allow you to delete the album.
Meira Gebel/Insider

A menu should pop-up from the bottom of the screen asking if you want to remove the album. If that is the case, you can remove the album.

Deleting an album won't remove the photos themselves. The Library section of your Photos app is where you will have to go to remove those.

When you are done with the deletion of albums, tap Done on the top-right of the screen.

Whenever you allow third-party apps to access your photo library, they create albums in your Photos app.

There are albums that contain anything you may have sent, captured, or downloaded. You can remove those albums by following the same steps.

Why you can't delete some albums from an iPhone 

If you have a photo album on your device, chances are you can't remove it.

Screenshots or selfies can not be deleted because they have beencurated by your Photos app.

Photos app on iPhone, highlighting albums that can’t be deleted.
You cannot delete certain types of albums in the Photos app.
Meira Gebel/Insider

If you have created an album by adding photos to it yourself, you can remove it.

If you want to remove albums from the sync from iTunes, you have to connect your phone to a computer with the app installed.