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A new strain of coronaviruses was detected in humans. The novel virus spread quickly. Can COVID-19 be stopped? And if so, how? Detection, containment, medications, and vaccinations are some of the things that can be done to stop a new virus.

An image of people in protective gear in Shanghai unloading groceries from a truck.
People in protective gear unload groceries from a truck before distributing them to locals under the Covid-19 lockdown in Shanghai, China.Wang Gang/Future Publishing via Getty Images
  • There are videos on Chinese social media of drones broadcasting.

  • One of the drones told residents to stay indoors and control their souls desire for freedom.

  • The drones were flying around to broadcast rules.

There are videos on the Chinese social media platform Weibo of a helicopter hovering in the sky, broadcasting instructions to residents under a Covid alert.

One clip shows a drone with red, flashing lights hovering above apartment buildings, broadcasting a message loudly. The original poster said the clip was taken in a residential district.

Everyone should not sing on your balcony. There was a drone coming over to say to control the desire for freedom in one's soul, read the poster on the video.

In the video, a robotic voice broadcasts a message to the residents of Jiuting, as a drone flies over the buildings. We request that you strictly follow the guidelines during the Pandemic. Control your desire for freedom. Don't sing or open the window. This increases the risk of transmission.

—Alice Su (@aliceysu) April 6, 2022

Some posters filmed videos of the drones in order to call them a glimpse of Cyberpunk 2077.

In other clips on the Weibo platform, drones broadcasted messages to college students. Due to the COVID-19 restrictions, one must keep face masks on at all times and stay in the confines of their college dormitories, according to the messages broadcast by these drones.

There are other drones being deployed in the city. There are videos of robot dogs trotting along the empty streets of Shanghai uploaded to Weibo.

A robot dog is carrying a loudspeaker that broadcasts COVID-19 guidelines.

It's a good idea toDisinfect regularly. Take care of your home. Intoned the broadcast message, in a robotic voice, to prevent the pandemic in a scientific manner.

—Eric Feigl-Ding (@DrEricDing) March 31, 2022

The entire city of 26 million was put on a strict lock down after a marked surge in COVID-19 cases. The Chinese government has defended the Covid-zero policy after disturbing videos emerged of infants and toddlers being left unattended in an overcrowded center.

More than 94,000 infections have been reported in the southern financial hub since March 1, according to the South China Morning Post.

The original article can be found on Insider.

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