A Target store in Michigan lost $93,000 in gift cards after being a victim of a scam. An elaborate plan was in place for four days in February, and is a nationwide hustle known as the K1 scam. A man was stopped in traffic and found to have 106 gift cards with him. Large stores are likely to lose millions of dollars each week. The investigator said that the scam artists look for vulnerable cashiers that they can target until they find someone to buy into the scam. They use fake credit cards to get the cashier to accept them as cash. The cashiers are often pressured by the scam artists. The scam is untraceable because the money obtained from the fake cards is used to buy gift cards. All of us pay for this grand theft from our stores. If something feels weird, call a manager and not give in to pressure from potential scam artists. The man was charged with possession of a fraudulent financial transaction device and receiving or concealing stolen property. Genesse County is located in the state of Michigan. It is not known if Gamble will be able to retire at his previous three-star rank. Marty Morgan and Keon Cain were sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole. Charlie Shrem, the man who bought bitcoin at $5, is urging people to mark their calendars for April 27th. Money. There is cocaine. A gun. During his testimony as a witness for the U.S. government in an ongoing trial against one of his previous subordinates, the former Baltimore Police Sgt. admitted to stealing all of that. The assistant U.S. Attorney had a man testify against a man. Hankard is accused of... A resident in New Orleans who has had his truck targeted in the past decided to leave a flash-bang surprise for thieves. A member of a bride to be's party took to TikTok to claim that they were set up to be robbed or worse after renting a home in Austin, Texas. A man builds a trap to catch a thief. A judge in Texas ordered the athlete to answer if he had sex with 18 massage therapists who supported him after criminal complaints from other women. Spears had awkward encounters with both actresses. There is an easy to earn welcome bonus with this industry-leading cash back card. No yearly fee! The police confronted the man and he pulled his pants down. Psaki was asked if it was common for President Biden to give favors to his international business partners. Bruce was enjoying time with his family after he was diagnosed with aphasia. Some of the schools on this list might surprise you. It is a story that is touching the hearts of people in North Mississippi. After giving birth through a C-section, Williams had to convince doctors to run tests to detect blood clot in her lungs. Kim Yo-jong, the sister of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, released a statement yesterday in response to the South Korean Defense Minister's threat of a pre-emptive strike. The statement was released by the North Korean news agency KCNA Watch. I never knew... A Nebraska mom shared a card she created for her preschool teacher. He told the crowd at the Comedy Cellar to lower their expectations. A loaf of bread is on a park bench. There is a puddle of blood. Two people were killed as they sat sharing a late lunch or early dinner and maybe just feeding pigeons. No one knew their names. Residents in the southeastern Slobidskyi district of Kharkiv said that an older woman and a middle-aged man died from a mortar strike on Sunday. Sign up. You can battle your way through a visually-stunning mythicalRPG realm with hundreds ofchampions from 14factions. Andy Dalton assigned a strange jersey number to the Saints. Fans of the comic book company are sharing their disappointment after seeing a major film faux pas in the movie. Are you an angel?Kansas City Star
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