There were peaches on a branch in July.

Jeffery Collins/AP

Every person has pondered the question of what is the best smell out there at one time or another, and researchers from Sweden and the United Kingdom have come up with an answer.

They found that most people, even if they are from different cultures, still find the smell of vanilla to be pleasant. Is it stinky feet? Not much.

The study found that people share the same preferences when it comes to smell. According to the results, ethyl butyrate smells like peaches, while vanilla is the most pleasing smell around.

Artin Arshamian said that early humans may have had similar olfactory preferences. It's possible that stinky feet came in dead last as far as appealing odors are concerned.

According to the study, the pleasantness of a smell can be attributed to the structure of an odor molecule. Humans enjoy many of the same smells, more often than not, because of a deep-rooted sense that an item is safe to eat.

We wanted to see if people around the world have the same smell perception, or if it's something that's culturally learned.

Culture was expected to play a larger role in the results. The experiment asked for participants from nine non-Western diverse cultures, including people from communities with little contact with the Western world. The scientists found that the culture of the participant was only a small part of the findings.

It was revealed that personal preference was taken into account in just over half of the time. The study states that a dish such as fermented herring may be appetizing to some, but may be the most repulsive dish in the world to others.

The next step is to study why we like or dislike a certain smell.