The first fully integrated parity has been developed by researchers from the labs of Lan Yang, the Florence G. Skinner Professor, and Silvia Zhang, an associate professor at the Washington University School of Engineering.
It can be made with the same technology used for common integrated circuits.
The research was published in a journal.
Energy flow can be manipulated in surprising ways with the help of the PT-symmetric systems. They can operate in a limited range, either at the extremely low-frequency acoustic domain or the extremely high-frequency optical domain.
This new technology uses a concept from quantum physics to create an integrated circuit. It opens up a new part of the spectrum for research.
The middle part of the spectrum that covers microwave and millimeter wave applications is opened by our work.
No one in the world is able to build systems that cover this range.
The ability to balance the energy loss of one resonator with the gain of another is the key to these systems. This special point of equilibrium is called PT symmetry, and it allows for new and powerful ways to move the flow of energy.
In the reflection, a right hand is reversed and a left hand is used. The events in the video move back and forth in time.
The system looks the same as it did before the transformations if both are done at the same time.
New strategies to control light flow, such as nonreciprocal light transmission, have been developed using this concept.
Being able to manipulate an additional swath of the spectrum opens up the possibility of new discoveries and technologies, according to a research associate in the lab.
These kinds of systems are important for radar, wireless communications and power transfer systems. Shrinking the parts down to an integrated circuit chip the size of a fingernail is now possible.
Thanks to a novel fabrication technology, it is easier to take advantage of new features in existing technologies.
Integrated circuit fabrication and our circuit design allow you to build specifically for different areas of the spectrum.
Our results show that the introduction of symmetry into integrated circuit technology could benefit a broad range of chip-based applications.
The ability of physics to impact technology is something that she is impressed with.
She said it was exciting to demonstrate the superior performance and function enabled by a new design guided by fundamental science in a platform that has been widely adopted in industry.
More information: Weidong Cao et al, Fully integrated parity–time-symmetric electronics, Nature Nanotechnology (2022). DOI: 10.1038/s41565-021-01038-4 Journal information: Nature Nanotechnology Citation: New parity-time symmetric system opens up range of wavelengths to researchers, engineers (2022, April 5) retrieved 6 April 2022 from This document is subject to copyright. Apart from any fair dealing for the purpose of private study or research, no part may be reproduced without the written permission. The content is provided for information purposes only.