Four years after filing a Freedom of Information Act request with the US Defense Intelligence Agency, British tabloid The Sun was handed a stunning piece of information : over 1,500 pages of bizarre, previously classified documentation about reports of contact with aliens.

The material is full of outrageous claims, from alleged injuries to human observers to an abduction.

It doesn't mean we should take all of this information at face value. The Sun is a pretty dubious tabloid, so it is likely that it is framing the documents in a way that is sensational.

The cache comes from a secret Pentagon program that ran from 2007 to 2012 The New York Times obtained military footage that was later confirmed to be authentic, and it showed unidentified aircraft moving in unusual ways.

There are 42 cases from medical files and 300 similar cases in which people claim to have been injured following encounters. Some of the injuries appeared to be caused by energy related systems.

The report contains reports of poltergeists, crop circles, human combustion, alien abductions and other supernatural events.

According to the Sun, other eyebrow-raising encounters include ghosts, yetis, spirits, elves and other mythical/legendary entities.

There are many reasons to be skeptical. The documents it received have yet to be made public. Live Science points out that we don't know what kind of vetting process the AATIP uses. It's possible that the documents are just a bunch of cranks who contacted the government.

The US government is taking investigations into unexplained aerial phenomena more seriously than ever before, and we will be a notable release.

The editorial department of the Sun will always have access to these documents. We will have to take the news with a grain of salt.

A new Pentagon report claims that unexplained phenomena such asradiation burns and pregnancies are not accounted for.

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