The 33rd annual Worldwide Developers Conference will take place from Monday, June 6 to Friday, June 10. The Worldwide Developers Conference will be held digitally in 2022, the same year it will be held in person.

In 2020, Apple introduced a free-for-everyone online event that will also be used in 2022.

"At its heart, WWDC has always been a forum to create connection and build community," said Susan Prescott, Apple's vice president of Worldwide Developer Relations and Enterprise and Education Marketing. "In that spirit, WWDC22 invites developers from around the world to come together to explore how to bring their best ideas to life and push the envelope of what's possible. We love connecting with our developers, and we hope all of our participants come away feeling energized by their experience."

All developers can attend the virtual event with no cost. There will be sessions and labs for developers to learn about the new features and software updates that will be introduced at the event, as well as a traditional Swift Student Challenge.

Apple says that this year's event will feature additional information sessions, more learning labs, more digital lounges to engage with attendees, and more local content, with the aim of making it a truly global event. Apple will take applications.

There will be sessions on the Apple Developer website or through the dedicated Apple Developer app. The winners of the Swift Student Challenge will receive an exclusive prize. There is more information on the dedicated website.

On the first day of the conference, Apple is expected to unveil new software, includingiOS 16 and watchOS 9. Apple is working on an updated Mac Pro, a new version of the MacBook Air, and more, so it's possible we will see new hardware at the conference.

The Apple Developer app, email, and the Apple website will be used to give additional information to developers.