This is a lost piece of TV footage of Prince at age 11 talking about his opinion on the Minnesota teachers strike. In 1970, a reporter from WCCO asked Prince what he thought of the picket lines outside schools. 13 years later, the world would know that the kid was wearing a winter hat and smiling. Prince told the reporter that they should get a better education and that they should get more money because they work. The kid looks a lot like Prince, but the reporter never asked if it was Prince Rogers Nelson. WCCO tracked down other kids from the archival footage who did not share their names, but ran into some dead ends. When she first saw the clip, Zschomler gasped. Zschomler says it is definitely Prince in the video, standing outside his old school. The TV station was able to confirm it was Prince after getting in touch with an old classmate. There was only one reason for this clip to be uncovered. There was a teachers strike last month in the same school district.