Will Smith slapped Chris Rock at the Oscars before he saw anything else. It's called "Pow!" Mixed media: oil, oil, oil. It's suitable for dining room, living room or gallery display. The star of Independence Day and Men in Black is about to deliver a knockout blow to the viewer. How did Joe LaMattina get that piece done so quickly, just days after Will Smith hit Chris Rock in front of millions of viewers at the Academy Awards? The answer is that he did not. Fourteen years ago, that image of Will Smith was painted. LaMattina thinks it was in 2008. LaMattina seems to have gotten a mysterious, early heads-up of an event few of us could have anticipated. He said to call it a psychic. It is pretty much the same. The next day, I exclaimed "Holy [expletive]" when that happened. He said that his first impulse was to contact his friend Randy, who purchased the painting back in 2010. I need to send Randy a text to say that his painting has gone up in value. The implications of his purchase had not even been thought of by the man who remembers paying between $800 and $1,200 for the piece 12 years ago. He likes the painting. A black woman sued a movie theater for discrimination. She won. More: Interviewing stars not so glamorous. What is the best way to teach art? A $10 million grant will be used to fund studies. He said that you can interpret the expression as angry, or that he is having fun. An established artist is LaMattina. His work has been seen in solo shows from New York to Alaska. He taught art in elementary and secondary schools for many years before retiring. He kept boxes of images in his classroom that might have been inspiration for his students and himself. In 2008, he found a photo of a young man with a pugilistic pose. He did not know it was Will Smith. He doesn't like celebrities, unlike Andy Warhol. A student had to tell the man in the picture that he was The Fresh Prince. Whatever. LaMattina liked the image. He said that he didn't remember what he was thinking. He worked on the piece in class. One of his former students recalled it for him when he posted the image on Facebook. His account exploded. He said he got a million reactions right away. Most people wouldn't have thought of Will Smith as an angry, confrontational guy before last Sunday. He played Muhammad Ali in 2001. He could throw a punch. He is more at the Tom Hanks end of the spectrum in terms of his screen persona. You can't make up the fact that this was the one bellicose image of Smith that was floating around decades earlier. I was painting that night when someone called and asked if I saw Will Smith. His reaction to the Will Smith incident? Complicated. It was kind of like Whose side am I on? Who was right and who was wrong? The Sunday slap-down is a celebrity thing according to the community activist and events promoter, who has worked with many stars. It reminded him that the very famous, like the very rich, are different from him. Smith was in a rage when he hit Chris Rock. But there was more than one thing that was performative about it. He hit him and then he adjusted his jacket and looked like he was in a scene. This one TV moment could negatively, and unfairly, affect the perception of the African American community, and that's what happened to Danny Castellanos. With a single petulant blow, he advocated violence, diminished women, insulted the entertainment industry, and perpetuated stereotypes about the Black community. It is something that no white viewer has to think about when they see a white dude clobber another white dude. Chris Rock kept his cool and his class. What if Chris Rock was a Black Belt and his reaction was to mess Will Smith up with a kick? That would have turned into a negative word. Will Smith or no Will Smith, it is going to stay in the dining room. He has at least six pieces from LaMattina. He likes this one. He said he was happy to have all of Joe LaMattina's paintings. Jim Beckerman is a reporter for NorthJersey.com. If you want to get unlimited access to his reports about how you spend your leisure time, you need to subscribe. Beckerman@northjersey.com is the email address. Jim Beckerman has a verified account. Will Smith hitting Chris Rock at the Oscars was originally published on NorthJersey.com. On April 3, the year of the grammys, the host of "The Daily Show" gave a monologue about Will Smith and the Pandemic. Get all the information below. The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air actress condemned her former costar's move while saying she still believes in him. Charlie Shrem, the man who bought bitcoin at $5, is urging people to mark their calendars for April 27th. Gaga paid tribute to Tony Bennett at the ceremony as she was forced to perform their duet without him due to his Alzheimer's disease. A number of Will Smith's future projects are up in the air after the actor slapped Chris Rock at the Oscars. Kierra M is an entertainment reporter for Good Day. Will Smith resigned from the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences for smacking Chris Rock, after his daughter wrote in a cryptic message that life is a series of reactions. Few know that Amazon has millions of Prime subscribers. The academy is going ahead with the proceedings against Smith. Holy smokes. The Weeknd previously said that the three Grammys he's earned before Sunday night don't mean anything to him. That formula could put small but mighty miners in the driver's seat when it comes to setting price per ton. John Travolta ate at a pub while filming in Norfolk, and then went shopping at Morrisons. Amy Schumer shared her take on Will Smith hitting Chris Rock at a recent comedy show in Las Vegas. Her thoughts can be read below. The Jayhawks will have a chance to win a national title. 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A new solution is said to restore your leather items back to their original condition. Don't throw old leather items out. Matthew gave a shout out to DeVante on the social networking site. You can win two Oscars with the same costumes. When she was a student at Sarah Lawrence, Alice Walker was inspired by Martin Luther King and went back to the South to fight for civil rights.Fisticuffs
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