A beloved character actor best known in live-action for playing George Constanza's easily frustrated mother on Seinfeld and animation for playing devoted toy matriarch Mrs. Potato Head in the Toy Story series, has died. According to Deadline, she died of natural causes on Saturday night. Harris was old.
After her three children had grown up, Harris made her debut in the film Looking Up in 1977. She became a reliable commercial spokesman, appearing in dozens of ads a year at one point. She was in Once Upon A Time In America, NightCourt, Married, With Children, and Mad About You.
She played the role of Estelle Costanza on the show and her relationship with her family painted a clear picture of how George Costanza could grow up to be. She held her own against Jerry Stiller, with the duo screaming matches and instantly memorable cries.
A lot of her subsequent roles were references to her work on the show. She popped up as a character, like on the Hercules cartoon, as a previously unseen mother, and it's hard to argue that she's playing anything other than a nicer version of her. Her last credited film role was as Mrs. Potato Head in Toy Story 4.
One of my favorite people has passed, and I am playing with her and admiring her.