In an interview with CNN Sunday, exiled Russian tycoon Mikhail Khodorkovsky said that the invasion of the Baltic countries may be the next step in the war.

In his head, Putin is not fighting with Ukraine. He is at war with the United States and NATO.

The richest man in Russia until 2003 was charged with financial crimes by Putin and imprisoned for nine years. He has been an outspoken critic of the Kremlin since his release.

His propagandists have begun to prepare Russian society for an attack on NATO countries. This is the preparation of Russian public opinion for this.

The invasion of Ukraine would end Putin's regime according to the predictions made by Khodorkovsky earlier this month. He expressed concern that Putin went insane when the Ukrainians resisted the invasion and that the attacks could escalate.

If Putin decides that he has won in Ukraine, the next step will be the Baltic countries.

All of the Baltic countries are members of NATO. President Joe Biden has previously said the US will defend every inch of NATO territory and has moved American troops into the region.