Attack on Titan has taken the world by storm. The fourth and final season has been split into two parts because creator Hajime Isayama only concluded the series a year ago. The story of Eren Yeager and the rest of the Survey Corps was not finished after the Japanese airing of this week's episode.
Attack on Titan The Final Season Final Arc will be the third and hopefully final part of the show. The entire season is adapting the Marley and War for Paradis arcs. You will have to wait until at least 2023 to see the second season of Jujutsu and the final season of Titan. A new key visual and short video were released to confirm that this will be the end of the series.
Since Attack on Titan's debut nearly a decade ago, it has grown in popularity thanks to a number of factors. Some of the cast are excited to see how it ends, and they have managed to avoid being spoiled. In February, English voice actors were still unsure of how their stories would end. The ending is extremely divisive and some have wondered if the series would end like the source material or in a different direction. They will have to wait until next year to find out.
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