After he anticipated that the people of Ukraine would meet him with flowers when he invaded the country, Putin went insane.

The former CEO of the Russian oil giant Yukos was expecting flowers thrown in the streets by the Ukrainian people when he wanted to change the power in Kyiv.

The former richest man in Russia, who was imprisoned for nine years on charges of fraud and tax evasion, has been an outspoken critic of Putin. He said his imprisonment was politically motivated.

He said that when Ukrainians resisted the invasion, Putin went crazy.

I think the fact that the people in Kharkiv did not meet him with flowers drove him insane. He started bombing the cities of Kharkiv and Kyiv.

Putin can use weapons of mass destruction, force Ukrainians to retreat, or start actual negotiations if he continues to pressure Ukraine.

The exiled tycoon said last month that the war in Ukraine would lead to Putin's downfall.

I believe that Putin hasn't got much time left. He told CNN that it might be a year or three.

Vladimir Milov, a former deputy energy minister in the Russian government, told CNN that top officials in the Russian government were devastated by Putin's aggression in Ukraine.