When you fill up the tank, sky-high gas prices will make you cringe. The White House has announced that it is releasing a million barrels of oil per day, and some states are working on temporary solutions, but it is likely that you won't see the numbers at the pump drop for weeks.
You don't need to stop buying Starbucks or withholding medical treatment for your pets if you want to save money on gas. Our tips can help you save money.
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The price of a gallon of gasoline is displayed at a Los Angeles gas station.
Photograph: CHRIS DELMAS/Getty ImagesCheck out the apps.
There are several ways to compare gas station prices. Both GasBuddy and Waze are free because they rely on users to keep station-specific gas price information up-to-date and accurate. Insights into nationwide and global trends are offered by GasBuddy. A quick peek before you head out to fill up could make a big difference in your final total. It is possible to cross state lines to refuel.
Changing your driving habits on the way there could help you save in the long run. A few maintenance checks on your vehicle can improve your gas mileage. Make sure your tires are inflated correctly. Driving at or below the posted speed limit will conserve fuel if you accelerate slowly and coasting more. Since traffic jams and stop-and-go city driving can lead to wasted gas, try to time your trips so you don't get stuck.
Matt Jancer, a long time vehicle expert and enthusiast, says to make sure your air filter is clean or new, as it can affect gas mileage, and keep your fuel system clean. Lucas UCL is used every 3,000 miles by me. Open windows at low speeds will help improve your fuel economy. The American Automobile Association has additional tips.
If you fill up, it can make a difference. According to GasBuddy, Monday is the cheapest day of the week to refill.
There are rewards programs to look for.
Most major gas station chains have rewards programs that are free to join. Signing up for text messages can save you money. Many chains, like Shell and ExxonMobil, offer additional savings by using a payment method that links to your bank account, though getting locked into purchasing from one chain might be limiting.
One option is free and the other costs $10 per month, but we have not tried either of these services. The company says the cards work at most gas stations across the US, so it is likely better than a station specific service.