According to a recent poll, a majority of Americans don't like the way the Republican Party has handled the confirmation hearings of a Supreme Court nominee.

In the survey, which was released on March 30, a majority of respondents had a negative view of the GOP approach to vetting Jackson for the high court.

A plurality of respondents had a positive opinion of the Democratic Party handling of the nomination.

Americans seem to be divided along party lines. Fifty-two percent of Republicans were satisfied with the way their party handled the confirmation hearing, while 76% of Democrats did the same.

Only 30% of respondents were opposed to her appointment, but Jackson's confirmation to the Supreme Court was supported by 51 percent of respondents.

Democrats approved of Jackson's confirmation by a huge margin, while Republicans opposed the judge's nomination. Jackson's confirmation was supported by independents.

The Supreme Court confirmation process has become too political according to a majority of respondents in a survey.

Republicans have come under fire by Democrats since Jackson's confirmation hearings began late last month, with the majority party arguing that the GOP sought to unfairly malign the judge's judicial record. Jackson was a federal judge on the US District Court for the District of Columbia from 2013 to 2021, and since last year she has served on the DC federal appellate court.

Joe Manchin of West Virginia, who has made bipartisanship a hallmark of his congressional career and who has been a thorn in the side of many of President Joe Biden's most ambitious domestic legislative plans, criticized Judiciary Committee Republicans last week.

Manchin, who has been a wild card on much of the Democratic Party's agenda, recently committed to backing Jackson's confirmation.

He told reporters last week that he thought Jackson would be an exemplary nominee.

GOP lawmakers pressed Jackson on everything from critical race theory to her sentencing for sex-related cases, with aggressive lines of questioning adopted by Ted Cruz of Texas, Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, and Josh Hawley of Missouri. She was cut off many times.

Jackson was pressed by the three men about the guidelines for sentencing.

The chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee told reporters on the second day of Jackson's hearings that four or five Republican senators did not show proper level of respect to the judge. The Illinois Democrat felt that the confirmation hearings were used to promote themselves.

This idea of asking the toughest and meanest questions and then racing to see if someone is posting it on social media... I mean that is just as bad as playing to the cameras on the worst day.

Democrats hope to have the judge confirmed by the end of the week after the April 4 Senate vote.