According to legend, April Fools used to be a fun holiday. Back in the 2000s, there was a general sense of humor when companies like Google pulled off silly stunts.

The whole thing feels a lot more tired than it used to, after a few years of a global pandemic and way too many brand shenanigans. We all do.

The noise of April Fools did not deter a few prank this year. If they weren't works of comedy, they certainly caught our attention.

Cybertruck Canceled

When we saw the headline announcing the death of Musk's Cybertruck, our hearts raced.

We may have to suffer through another year of April Fools jokes before we see the weird-looking vehicle.

Kelvin Malone

The National Weather Service told us that due to the confusion between Fahrenheit and Celsius, it would now be listing all temperatures in the temperature scale that starts at absolute zero.

It's not the worst idea we've ever heard.

Maple Story

If the Canadian Space Agency's line of apparel was real, we would buy it.

The cold and darkness of space doesn't scare us because we have winter. Canadarm, make it happen!

What if we launch a new line of products available today only?

Any recommendations for more items? We know how creative you are! 😉

— Canadian Space Agency (@csa_asc) April 1, 2022

Blockchain Explainer had a curriculum for explaining NFTs to elderly relatives. The price was listed in the virtual currency.

Don't worry, Futurism has you covered for free.

2D Printer

Formlabs, a noted 3D printer maker, made a statement about waiting for a 2D printer.

We would skip, though. The ink is expensive.

Edit Alien

We will let this one speak for itself.

we are working on an edit button

— Twitter (@Twitter) April 1, 2022

There are more April fools prank.

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