Neuroscience/Brain Science

In rare cases, eating mushrooms could cause partial paralysis.

Some people who have taken magic have experienced paralysis. There is growing suspicion that it is connected to mushrooms that grow from trees and wood, and two people who have experienced the condition shared their stories.

I couldn't chew. One unnamed user told Insider that he had to remove a chip from his mouth.

One man said his legs collapsed while he was crossing the street, and that he had come down with the condition three times.

Good and Bad

The effect is temporary but should be taken seriously according to a researcher. According to Dr. Simon Beck, people have been left in a field overnight because they lost the use of their legs.

We don't know why, but not everyone who eats the same mushrooms gets WLP. Wood-grown mushrooms seem to have the same effect as Delta 8 and other forms of THC.

Mushroom legalization is a good reason to treat mental illness like depression, post-traumatic stress disorder and anxiety. Shrooms can reduce the risk of diabetes and heart disease.

WLP should be taken seriously, but at the same time it seems rare. It is important to be intentional about reducing harm when using alcohol or any substance that alters your state of mind. Don't take mushrooms, drive a forklift, or hike to the middle of the woods.

Putin almost always accompanies a cancer specialist.

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