Police discovered five dead fetus in the home of an anti-choice activist who had already been arrested five times for blocking access to reproductive healthcare clinics.

According to a New York Times report, authorities removed the remains of a woman from her home in Washington, DC. There was a tip about potential biohazard material inside the home of the 28-year-old.

A bizarre press release about the seizure was released by the organization Handy works for. The statement claims that one of the activists who forced their way into the abortion clinic is being charged with federal crimes. The group claims they stole the fetus because they wanted to investigate.

Nathan Baca, a reporter for WUSA, spoke to Handy while authorities searched her home.

She only said that people will freak out when they hear it.

People did freak, but not for the reasons Handy hoped they would. Social media users were appalled at the news and left angry comments.

One user commented that Lauren is mentally unstable and what she did is a crime.

These are domestic terrorists.

It's not clear where the dead fetuses were procured or how long they had been in her home, but PAU said they will give more details at a press conference Tuesday.

PAAU can say what they want. It won't change the fact that they are a part of the conspiracy theory machine that is meant to make healthcare and reproductive rights less accessible. Alex Jones claimed without evidence that elected officials were keeping babies alive and performing live abortions to harvest their organs and drink their blood. That was not a real thing.

It is very unlikely that any wrongdoing occurred at the clinic where Handy stole human remains. Clinics are scrambling to stay open and keep their employees because they are under so much scrutiny.

There are more on actual medical issues.

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