Enhance! NASA's Ingenuity Mars helicopter, which weighs just four pounds, has been spotted by the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter.

The HiRise camera is a massive and powerful instrument that can take images of up to 28 gigabits in size in just six seconds.

Ingenuity has successfully completed 23 flights in just over a year. The Ingenuity team was hoping to complete five flights.

It flew for just over two minutes last week, covering over 1,100 feet.

Saying Hi

Scientists believe that Ingenuity is from a volcanic eruption.

Perseverance is likely to be imaged again during its long traverse by the HiRise team.

Scientists believe that the Jezero Crater is a good place to look for signs of ancient life because of the large rovers Ingenuity and Perseverance.

NASA has a helicopter from Mars.

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