Scientists have created a moving magnetic slime that can squeeze and travel through narrow spaces.
The creators say that the slime can be used as an electrical conductor.
The dark-coloured magnetic blob has been compared on social media to Flubber, the eponymous substance in the 1997 sci-fi film, and is described as an amazing and a tiny bit terrifying.
Research shows that music improves wellbeing and quality of life.
The substance was real scientific research and not an April fool's joke, despite the timing of its release.
When external magnets are applied to the slime, it can be manipulated to travel, rotate, or form O and C.
A study published in the journal Advanced Functional Materials described the blob as a magnetic slime robot.
The ultimate goal is to deploy it like a robot.
Sometimes it behaves like a solid, sometimes it behaves like a liquid, and so on.
It's made from a mixture of two materials, one of which is used in cleaning products.
It's similar to mixing water with corn starch at home. Oobleck is a non-Newtonian fluid that behaves like a solid when touched quickly. It behaves like a liquid when you touch it gently and slowly.
The scientists think that the slime could be useful in reducing the harm from a small swallowed battery, and they have no immediate plans to test it in a medical setting.
To avoid toxic electrolytes leaking out, we can use this kind of robot to do an encapsulation.
The magnetic particles are toxic. To create a protective layer, the researchers coated the slime in a layer of sand.
The safety would depend on how long you kept them inside of your body.
The slime is currently an opaque brown-black hue, but could be made more colourful with the use of dyes.