Workers at Amazon’s warehouse in Bessemer, Alabama held their second union vote
Patrick T. Fallon/AFP via Getty Images

The votes for the union drive at Amazon's warehouse in Alabama have been counted, but the final result will depend on a court hearing.

The vote count announced on Thursday was , with , with 59 ballots counted as void and 416 counted as challenged. Since the challenged ballots are enough to swing the election, the result will depend on a court hearing adjudicating the status of the challenged ballots. The hearing is likely to take place in the next few weeks. Both parties will have a chance to object to the election.

The Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union (RWSDU) said in a statement on its website that it would be filing objections to Amazon's behavior. The warehouse workers would be represented by the RWSDU if the vote goes in favor of unionization.

The outcome so far is very close. The National Labor Relations Board ordered a do-over after the union lost the first election by more than 2 to 1. The USPS mailbox in the parking lot was raised by the RWSDU. Some workers believed that Amazon had improper access to ballots sent by mail, according to the union. The National Labor Relations Board said that Amazon interfered with the employees' exercise of a free and reasoned choice by creating the appearance of irregularity in the election.

Votes are being counted for a separate union drive at Amazon's JFK8 facility in Staten Island, New York. The count will continue on Friday as the union is currently ahead by several hundred votes.

The statement from RWDSU was added on March 31st.