Both Facebook and Apple have agreed to fake emergency legal requests being made to get personal information from them, according to a report.

It is a troubling phenomenon that shows how easy it is for hackers to get user data.

The report states that Apple and Meta gave out basic subscriber details. They didn't require search warrants or a court-ordered subpoena since they were filed as emergency requests.

Meta claims to have done its homework.

We use advanced systems and processes to detect abuse and block known compromised accounts from making requests.


Some of the requests may have come from a hacker group called Recursion Team, which is affiliated with Lapsus$, a group of hackers known to have hacked other tech companies.

According to sources, the forged requests included forged signatures of real or fictional law enforcement officers. Gaining access to the email domain associated with a law enforcement entity was all they needed to do.

Meta and Apple are not the only victims.

While our verification process confirmed that the law enforcement account was legitimate, we later learned that it had been compromised by a malicious actor.

The news shows how easy it is for hackers to convince tech companies to hand over what could be incriminating personal data, and how much power law enforcement agencies hold over.

Apple and Meta gave user data to hackers.

She didn't like the fact that she got hackers to shut down her website.

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